Satellite fairs and other exhibition spaces

At the same time, a series of satellite fairs are staged during Art Basel – all aimed at promoting new or young gallery owners and artists. The number of satellite fairs has grown over the years. Scope, Volta and The List are the best-known – and for some years now, they have had their own firm places beside the main fair. The satellite fairs mainly showcase young galleries and up-and-coming artists, or art which does not fit in with the subjects covered by the Art Basel program. We have also visited the solo project at Dreispitz, as well as HeK, Atelier Mondial, Schaulager, Oslo 10 and Der Tank.

VOLTA makes a fresh impression. Although due to the effect of the Markthalle, which reminds of a bee-hive (the noise can entail headache) the size and quality are in a balanced relationship. The location of VOLTA is in Markthalle close to the main train station. Whereas Scope stages in the new location, rather than in a tent or pavilion as it was in recent years, it now takes place in the top three floors of a shopping mall, in Clarahuus, right in the middle of a shopping area and red light district. Not bad! Each floor in the house is quite big, though the galleries and works are too close together and the walls are not high enough, as we were used from other spaces. But the general atmosphere is pretty much satisfying.


Art Basel – Unlimited

Hans Op de Beeck: The Collector’s House, 2016, installaiton detail. Courtesy Marianne Boesky Gallery, Galleria Continua, Galerie Krinzinger at Art Basel Unlimited 2016

Located in Hall 1 North, the great installations at the Art Unlimited are quite overwhelming. It’s not just in the classical context arts or art works to look at, to some extent they are truly an „art theme park“. Unlimited claims to be the pioneering exhibition platform for projects that transcend the classical art-show stand, including massive sculpture and paintings, video projections, large-scale installations, and live performances.


Art Basel Bucket List – daily updated

Basel 2016 ArtPlanner by

There is a lot going on during the Art Basel Week and it’s a strain managing to take part at every single event. Below is a list where you can see day by day some of the openings and events coming up.


Die Art Basel Woche 2016 – Kunst und Markt am laufenden Band

Art Basel Logo über dem Eingang

In der Woche vom 13. bis 19. Juni wird die «szenische» Stadt am Rheinknie einmal mehr Gastgeberin für die Kunst(markt)welt – und wer (wie wir) viele Mails von Galerien und KünstlerInnen erhalten hat, dass man sie gerne in Basel besuchen könne, kann schnell einmal den Überblick verlieren. Mit unserem ArtPlanner© als praktisches «offline» Hilfsmittel für die Art Basel Woche möchten wir ihn wieder zurückbringen – die Öffnungszeiten der wichtigsten Messen und Kunstevents gibt es als Leporello im praktischen, taschentauglichen Format. Und für alle Online-User haben wir hier einen Überblick in Prosa zusammengestellt.


Ausstellungen während der Art Basel 2016

Während der Art Basel Woche gibt es neben dem Messetrubel auch viele Möglichkeiten, sich «in Ruhe» andere wertvolle Ausstellungen in der Kunststadt Basel anzusehen. Etliche Institutionen locken mit längeren Öffnungszeiten und Sonder-Veranstaltungen oder legen sich anderweitig besonders ins Zeug.
