Bitten by a love bug

Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Charlottenburg
Dominika Bednarsky / Paris Giachoustidis: Bitten by a love bug
5. März – 23. April 2022
68projects is pleased to present the works of Dominika Bednarsky and Paris Giachoustidis in the duo exhibition “Bitten by a love bug”. The exhibition challenges the mainstream portrayal of men and women, confronting the stereotypes, limitations, and
ideals imposed on the disputed images of the sexes in society. Both artists employ a process of appropriation; while Giachoustidis references vintage postcards and advertisements for his source imagery, Bednarsky takes reference to the online search results of her intended topic of interest, using humor as a critical tool against mass media, consumer culture and gender stereotypes.
Di-Sa 11-18
Fasanenstraße 68
10719 Berlin