
Berlin | ArtRegion: Mitte

Eigen + Art Lab

Cornelia Baltes: Eigenbrötler

5. März – 10. April 2021

A lot has been said about painting: Who took it to a new level. Who revolutionized painting, who killed it, and who supposedly reanimated it. There have been “painter princes”, geniuses, lunatics, addicts, the mania-driven, obsessives. The lack of ambiguity that the medium demands makes it easy for myths to twine around the originators, and the fascination with painters and their work is unbroken. But there are other ways to approach painting that are often neglected in the traditional discourse: approaches characterized by clarity and unambiguousness that develop their humor precisely from that. Something that can be expressed as much in a picture as in all the human fragments of a late capitalist period that demands much from its inhabitants and therefore needs an opposite pole with even greater urgency.


Di-Fr: 14-18
Sa: 11-18

Eigen + Art Lab
Torstraße 220
10115 Berlin