Berlin | ArtRegion: Charlottenburg
26. November 2022 – 28. Januar 2023
Adam Jeppesen’s artworks demonstrate that time is an essential element of his creative process, with it being an invisible, omnipresent force that lingers long after the creation process is complete. His latest work Tyler H (2022) is an example of this, with its large, ominous eyes appearing from a scattering of random marks and earth tones. The resulting three-part image is blurred and ambiguous, yet allows us to make out a face.
Amos (since 2021) is a series of transitory portraits created by Adam Jeppesen, so-called anthotypes, for which he exposes plant-dyed paper to the sun underneath large glass negatives over the course of weeks or months. The natural pigments from the eucalyptus leaves used to dye the paper are not lightfast, so the color slowly fades as the light penetrates the glass. Interestingly, each portrait was originally created by an AI algorithm with a vast database of millions of images taken from the internet. By combining the synthetic and natural, Jeppesen has drawn attention to the connections between humans and artificial intelligence technology and how these algorithms have infiltrated everyday life, sometimes without our knowledge.
For his Ghosts series (2013–14), Jeppesen created motifs from his 487-day voyage from the Arctic to Antarctica. Rather than producing a limited edition of identical prints, each plate was inked only once and printed until the image faded, thus creating unique polyptychs that embody the creation process and the passage of time. Jeppesen is then at the mercy of chance, leaving it up to the viewer to decide when the image is at its most interesting—or ultimate—stage.
Mi-Sa: 11-18
Borch Gallery
Goethestraße 79
10623 Berlin