Gilles Well’s Adventures

Strasbourg | ArtRegion: Basel - Oberrhein

CEAAC Centre Européen d’Actions Artistiques Contemporaines

Kevin Senant: Gilles Well’s Adventures

Chapter 4 : Investigation Report

15. Oktober 2021 – 20. Februar 2022

Kevin Senant questions the links between different technologies. His research is based on studying users’ behaviors on new social networks, and on the fictional confrontation of a double source of information – images or texts – ta- king the form of interactive devices.

Through photography, video, performance or installation, the artist invites the spectators (often actors) to question the relationships they generate as users. He’s particularly interested in the continual movement of shared images, drawing as much from the narrative codes of cinema as from those of new communication systems.

Since 2019, Kevin has been conducting an investigation in physical and virtual spaces in order to understand the disappearance of Gilles Well, his former assistant, who vanished during a magic trick presumably poorly performed by the artist.

> Born in 1985, Kevin Senant graduated from HEAR in 2011. He currently works between Marseilles, Brussels and the Internet.


Mi–So 14–18

CEAAC Centre Européen d’Actions Artistiques Contemporaines
7 Rue de l'Abreuvoir
67000 Strasbourg

Öffentlicher Verkehr

Tram C / E / F: Université
Bus 15 / 30: Cité Administrative