Berlin | ArtRegion: Tempelhof



Opening Reception & Afterparty – Berlin Art Week 2021

15. September – 8. Oktober 2021

RAAIN is a multi-dimensional spatial installation, featuring video, a live performer, sound, and other key elements of Borrás’ visual world and will mark the show’s inauguration as a unique happening, forecasting the exhibition’s conceptual realms.

Borrás’ new work complex encompasses the ADAPTASI CYCLE, which is a divination of our reality, transcending the limits of pasts and futures, the organic and synthetic, the natural and technological. His work seeks to explore the metaphysical depths of adaptation as a method of surpassing the categorial limits of existence. The various elements of the exhibition operate as an essayistic portrait that embodies an augmented state of awareness of these aspects, and an elevated sense of connectivity.


Lankwitzerstrasse 14
12107 Berlin