Ich möchte dem Ganzen nichts hinzufügen

Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Mitte
Oliver van den Berg: Ich möchte dem Ganzen nichts hinzufügen
10. Dezember 2021 – 29. Januar 2022
The exhibition title “I’m not interested in adding anything to the overall thing” can certainly be understood as the underlying principle of Oliver van den Berg’s artistic approach. He has never been interested in things that yearn to be something new or unknown. Rather, he is inspired by existing phenomena and objects, which he seeks to pay homage to in whatever form of repetition.
Oliver van den Berg’s objects are variations, deformations, accumulations, reductions, citations, encirclings, juxtapositions, imitations of what’s given. Even if his sculptural approach concerns representation, repetition, imitation, the forms he creates in his work are always his own.
In our current exhibition we present for the first time the works “Transmitterwand” (2012) and “Linie größter Vergangenheit und Zukunft (Radar)” (2014).
An extensive, ca. 370-page monograph documenting the work of Oliver van den Berg over the past twenty-five years will be finished during the exhibition. van den Berg’s works “Elfenbeinträger” (2016) and “Ivory Bouquet” (2017) are also on currently view in the special exhibition “Terrible Beauty. Elephant—Human—Ivory” at the Humboldt Forum through January 23, 2021.
Mi-Sa 12-18
und nach Vereinbarung
Kuckei + Kuckei
Linienstraße 158
10115 Berlin
Öffentlicher Verkehr
U-Rosenthaler Platz