Lies, Half-Truths & Propaganda
Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Kreuzberg
Lies, Half-Truths & Propaganda
[The Bad, the Worse, and the Worst]
29. April – 11. Juni 2022
Though some new technology is presented as something that can withstand the test against censorship and suppression, the reality is that in many cases the same technology might at a later stage resurface in new shapes, and be used in opposite ways, for cases such as propaganda and the spreading of misinformation. What is created now, with the intention of good, might later be turned against us. But it’s maybe not so much about resisting creating these new systems and new technologies, but more about always being one step ahead, being aware of what it can be used for.
In Lies, Half-Truths & Propaganda [The Bad, the Worse, and the Worst] Russian-Austrian artist Egor Kraft opens up questions about these ideas, and the possibilities these new technologies are able to offer to counterweight and work against the realities of propaganda and misinformation during a time of war. The artworks presented are all dealing with the notion of censorship, archiving, preservation and how to create and consider solutions and alternatives to counterpoise fake news, manipulated images, and misinformation.
Mi-Sa 11-18
alexander levy
Rudi-Dutschke-Strasse 26
10969 Berlin