Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Mitte
From Net Art to Art NFT
19. Februar – 12. März 2022
– a cooperation between and OFFICE IMPART
The exhibition NfTNeTArT. From Net Art to Art NFT brings together nine international artists that use algorithmic or generative systems as their artistic language. Their tools are digital codes and automatisms, which manifest themselves in a variety of unique and fascinating aesthetics.
In the confrontations of the just very recent technologies and blockchain developments, the artists’ strategies range from more aesthetic or narrative, critical or almost performative investigations and they equally investigate the limits and possibilities of NFTs alongside each other.
The exhibition will feature works ranging from early to very current works, developed specifically for the exhibition and therefore showcasing a diverse range of generative art in the context of Net Art’s history. The exhibition will create a dialogical environment in which classic network phenomena and cutting-edge technologies will interact.
Mi-Fr 15-18
und nach Vereinbarung
Waldenserstr. 2–4
10551 Berlin