Nicolas Mastracchio

Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Mitte
Nicolas Mastracchio
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Mastracchio creates installations, photographs, videos, and sound works that blur the boundaries between the analogue and the digital, spaces of tranquility that stimulate states of awareness of the present moment, to remove us from our everyday inability to sense beyond our inherited parameters of sight. He attempts to produce an immersive experience that activates sensory perception, ultimately enabling a holistic way of gazing and feeling. One that allows us to perceive the slight changes in our surroundings from one season to another, the remains of a landscape that is no longer visible to our eyes, or even perceive ourselves and our environment as an entangled whole. A whole, as Ursula K. Le Guin describes it, like “a web of connections, infinite but locally fragile, with and among everything—all beings—including what we generally class as things, objects.” Much like moving landscapes, this web of connections reveals itself through careful observation that challenges our perceptions and sensory experiences of what is “natural” and what is “man-made.”
MM Gallery
Brunnenstraße 172
10119 Berlin
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