nobody’s home
Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Friedrichshain
nobody’s home
Shuang Li
29. April – 27. Mai 2022
Two years ago in February 2020, Shuang Li travelled to Berlin from China for the opening of I Want to Sleep More but by Your Side, for her first solo exhibition at the gallery and ever since has not been able to return home due to Covid restrictions. This second exhibition in many ways explores the ramifications of that decision, and the ensuing two year period of restlessness and dislocation. The video, sculpture and wall works in nobody’s home explore the relationship between screen and body, body and its image, and is intertwined with a reflection on new forms of intimacy.
Addressing disembodiment in her new video work How Come an Image (2022), the combined gestures of flip book animation and scrolling on a screen are exhibited in a loop on a custom oval screen. Pixels and pages blur together as the images repeat and accelerate – blending into a single image before disintegrating – reflecting processes of the body being broken down into pixels and algorithms and then reassembled by digital screens.
Mo-Fr 11-18
Karl-Marx-Allee 82
10243 Berlin