Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Wedding
16. April – 14. Mai 2021
(Non)Depleted is an ongoing curatorial project, which currently investigates the broader context of our social, political and ecological relationship to materiality—focusing on aesthetics, research and self-reflection. It started as a virtual exhibition during the Dutch Design Week 2020 and will continue as a physical exhibition in the Gr_und gallery located in Berlin.
As a curatorial team, we intend to use the exhibition as a site to co-produce in- terdisciplinary knowledge across areas of material research, infrastructural po- wers and socio-ecological urgency. The project‘s title „Depleted“ refers mainly to resource depletion caused by extractive capitalism and its various social, po- litical and emotional effects. The „Non“ refers to the creative minds and practi- tioners, which address these issues and envision alternative directions.
It is a group show gathering design and contemporary art perspectives that tackle the theme of (Non)Depleted from different angles—resulting in a wide range of projects, including active experimentation with post-industrial waste, biomaterials, living organisms and digital tools. In one case using production processes as a format of storytelling that mimics how humankind changes landscapes, using geology as a source of inspiration, the commodification of nature or designs with living organisms and ranging from a rebirth of crafts- manship to high-tech technology and scientific innovation.
The individual projects address different industries—from fashion and food pro- duction to industrial mining and building industry—in which a rethinking of ma- terial usage is necessary. The variety of projects allows us to parallel approach these different sectors.
Seestraße 49
13347 Berlin