Open Days
Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Schöneberg
diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie
Open Days
16. – 19. September 2021
You’ve always wanted to drop by but never quite managed? Or perhaps you have in fact been present, but only virtually, due to a pandemic year? Well, now’s the time: During Berlin Art Week, diffrakt will once again open its doors (and windows) to the public. Come and hang out, leaf through books, have a drink, join a conversation. Play with our time machine and listen to things you have missed. Plan with us. Who knows what the future may bring?
Since the Open Days are an in-person event, the number of people in the space is, in accordance with current COVID-19 regulations, limited. You don’t have to register in advance, but upon entering we will need you to leave your contact details. Moreover, visitors will need to follow the “GGG” rule: they will have to present a negative test result from the same day, proof of vaccination, or proof of recent recovery.
Do: Eröffnung 19-24
Fr: 14-18
Sa & So: 14-19
diffrakt | zentrum für theoretische peripherie
Crellestraße 22
10827 Berlin