Perrine Lievens

Basel | ArtRegion: Basel - Oberrhein

von Bartha

Perrine Lievens

3. Februar – 24. März 2018

(*1981 in Aix-en-Provence) lives and works in Paris. Lievens works with objects that we know from our famil­iar sur­round­ings. By sculp­turally rework­ing the objects and rein­ter­pret­ing their func­tion, she ques­tions estab­lished pat­terns of per­cep­tion and forces us to rethink the use and func­tion of the objects; they appear to have acquired an addi­tional poetic dimen­sion. Lievens has exhib­ited at the Espace Paul Ricard (Paris), the Super Win­dow Gallery (Kyoto), the Fonderie Dar­ling (Mon­tréal) and else­where. In 2009 she took part in exhi­bi­tion “CHHTTT…” le mer­veilleux dans l’art con­tem­po­rain: 2ième volet’ at Crac Alsace (Altkirch).


Di-Fr 14-18
Sa 11-16
und nach Vereinbarung

von Bartha
Kannenfeldplatz 6
4056 Basel

Öffentlicher Verkehr

Tue-Fri 14-18 | Sat 11-16