read that twice
Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Neukölln
Andy Kassier: read that twice
27. April – 25. Mai 2022
Andy Kassier has returned to Berlin. For four months, he avoided Germany’s long and cold winter. He set out on a spiritual journey into the light, stopping in Mexico and South Africa to meet with shamans in tents, sitting and breathing.
At a time when cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are emerging as new religions and entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Gary Vee are emerging as new leaders, conceptual artist Kassier sees spirituality as the path to physical and mental purity. He takes a deep breath into himself. He paints in order to become enlightened.
“read that twice”
This is also the title of Kassier’s solo exhibition at Weserhalle. With new books, mirrors and paintings, it offers space for reflection. “Meditation is the introspection that leads to acceptance,” says Kassier.
Do-So 12-18
Weserstr. 56
12045 Berlin