The Innerworld of the Outerworld of the Innerworld

Berlin | ArtRegion: Berlin, Kreuzberg
The Innerworld of the Outerworld of the Innerworld
12. März – 22. April 2022
With THE INNERWORLD OF THE OUTERWORLD OF THE INNERWORLD, Soy Capitán is pleased to address the complex connexion of nature and landscape, body and perception, in the humble simplicity of works on paper. The exhibition brings together a variety of individual voices and gazes. Each piece appears as a careful getting acquainted and familiarization with the world surrounding and the self fulfilling us. At the same time, each work reveals an encompassing reality, always newly created:
Places inscribed in color and movement. Windows as blind in-betweens, staring back at us. The ever-changing rise and fall of light and things. Absurd nocturnal accumulations. The constant blurring of impressions and reflections. Fractured self-observations, as blunt as delicate. The tenderness of a ceaseless blossoming. And the intricately inverse relations between you and me.
Mi-Sa: 12-18
Soy Capitán
Prinzessinnenstr. 29
10969 Berlin