Cernuda Arte Gallery

Cernuda Arte Gallery

3155 Ponce de Leon Blvd | Miami | Art Region: Miami


On behalf of our staff, we welcome you to our gallery and thank you for visiting our website. We hope that your visit will be a pleasant one. It is with great pleasure that we present to the public our selection of Cuban paintings from our extensive and varied inventory of over one thousand artworks. The gallery specializes in the exhibition and sale of Colonial, Early Republic, Vanguardia, and Modern master Cuban paintings, as well as fine artworks by contemporary artists of unquestionable talent.

The complete spectrum of Cuban art has been, for more than twenty-five years, our field of expertise and with pleasure it will continue to be so. The gallery is recognized as a leading authority in Cuban art. We are frequently consulted by museums, art galleries, art collectors and auction houses regarding the authenticity of artworks. We also provide multiple services and assistance in art collecting. We offer you the accumulation of our experience backed by our integrity and honesty.

In our gallery we recognize that, in view of the broad and complex world of the plastic arts, which spans from the cave paintings of prehistory to today’s postmodern creations, it is unthinkable to claim critical capacity and expert knowledge over everything. Today, specialization in the different spheres of the arts has become a pressing necessity.

Mon-Fri: 10:30 - 18:30 Sat: 12-18:30

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