Wilde Gallery

Wilde Gallery

Angensteinerstrasse 37 | Basel | Art Region: Basel - Oberrhein


Art Basel Week Hours (10-16 June 2024):

Mon-Sat 10-18 ★Mon 18-21 ★Thu 15-16

The objective of Wilde is to advocate a varied program that reflects a diverse world. Propelled by a conviction that art can inspire change, the gallery is dedicated to artistic practices with conceptional and intellectual rigor, which challenge our perception of the world. Over 30 years in the business, Wilde continues to support the evolving practices of established and emerging artists.

Parallel to representing artists working today, Wilde offers high-quality secondary market works by twentieth-century masters. These works are presented in our private showroom, in the bustling Niederdorf of Zurich. Opened in January 2020, the Zurich office marks Wilde’s third location in Switzerland.

Mi-Fr 12-18
Sa 11-17

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